Sunday, February 24, 2013


[ (February 24, 2013) (11 days post surgery, 6 days expanding the palate) ]

First, the gaps of information that I meant to put in earlier posts.

1) My wife worked overnight the day before the surgery, stayed up with me all day during the surgery and then changed the ice on my face every hour that night to try to help with the swelling.  She took great care of me even though she was exhausted.  She did so much for me and I love her so much.

2) I wanted to talk about the foods that I've been able to eat.  The first couple days, I couldn't chew anything so it was pudding, applesauce, mac and cheese, mashed potatoes and fruit smoothies that my wife made.  Lately, I've been able to chew some things.  Soft things like pasta and pizza but not the crust.

There's still sutures in my mouth along my gums.  My teeth only bother me when I chew hard things.  My front teeth on the top row are still numb and my face is still a little swollen.

Now, here is my gap.  Warning, it gets scary.

(2/18) This is after the the surgeon turned the key 3 times in the office.  I turned the key two times a day afterwards.

 (2/19) Five turns.

(2/20) Seven turns.

(2/21) Nine turns.

(2/22) Eleven turns.

(2/23) Thirteen turns.

I'll try to update soon.


  1. How many turns do u have to do. When do they put ur braces on? Or invisalign

  2. I'm not sure how many turns I have to do. I'm meeting with my oral surgeon on Thursday and the orthodontist on Friday so hopefully I'll find out this week. My orthodontist said I'm not eligible for invisalign but I should get my braces as soon as my palate is fully expanded. They told me it's about a two month process.

  3. The palate expansion is a 2 month process?

  4. Yes. I got the surgery Feb 13th, they told me to stop turning the device March 6th, and I think it has to sit for a month for the palate to heal and strengthen in place.
