Monday, February 18, 2013

Post Surgery

[ (February 18, 2013) (5 days post surgery, expanding the palate begins) ]

Here are updates for the past few days.  I wish I could have written more often but I wasn't feeling well as you'll soon find out.

The night before surgery (2/12)

(2/13) The 24 hours following surgery, my life was gauze taped to my nose to stop the bleeding and ice on my face to slow the eventual swelling.  The nose bleeds weren't bad at all, usually one drop would come out and that would be it.  The surgeon said there was almost no bleeding during the surgery so there was some blood in my sinuses that may come out.  Most of the pain came from the 4 wisdom being pulled then the three cuts along my gums.  Luckily, my medical dogs were there to help me heal.

(2/14) Happy Valentine's Day, the swelling sets in.

(2/15) You can really see the swelling now, I can barely show my teeth.

(2/16) Not only is the swelling at its worst point, I'm feeling very sick.  Almost exactly two years ago I had my tonsils removed.  I was prescribed liquid vicodin and it made me so sick to my stomach.  I had the worst headaches, I had no energy and I was throwing up.  This time it was the percocet that made me sick.  I stopped taking it and instead started taking ibuprofen.

(2/17) Still pretty swollen and some bruising too.  Starting to feel somewhat normal again.

(2/18) Had the follow up with my oral surgeon today.  He finally started the process of widening my jaw.  He made three turns with the appliance in the office.  You can see a tiny gap between my front two teeth.  Everyday. I'll be turning the key twice a day, once in the morning and once at night.  Also, my face is looking almost normal again.

Other than the swelling, bruising and pain, the surgery opened up my airway or something.  I feel like I can breathe so much better and I'm definitely sleeping better.  It's weird but I feel like there's more room inside my nose or something.  I'll try to update as much as possible.

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