Wednesday, July 3, 2013

It's Been a While

[ (July 3th, 2013) (140 days post surgery, 100 days since full expansion, 118 days post braces) ]

It's been a while.  I really shouldn't make excuses, but I've been really busy these past six weeks. 

Anyway, since the last update I've been to the orthodontist three times.  During the first appointment, they decided that they wanted to get rid of the old, bulky and always very annoying expander that was occupying the roof of my mouth for months now.  Mainly because it was anchored to the 4th and 6th tooth on each side of my top jaw and they want to start moving the 4th tooth into place.  They made a mold of the roof of my mouth so they could make a new device to keep my palate expanded that only hooked onto the 6th tooth on each side.

Obviously, the next appointment they took the expander out and put the new device in.  It is such an improvement.  I have so much more room in my mouth, all the surfaces are smooth and food isn't stuck all over the place every time I eat.  It's amazing!  They didn't put brackets on my newly freed 4th tooth on each side because they are not in line with my other teeth yet.  They would have to use a weaker wire to pull them into place and they wanted to keep the wire strong for the other teeth.  Eventually, those teeth will move closer into place and will get brackets.

Yesterday was the last appointment out of the three.  Besides the normal maintenance that they do every time, they put an even stronger wire in.  The stronger wire makes the teeth straighter and holds them in place better.  My teeth and gums have been ultra-sensitive since then.  They are also trying to close the smaller side gaps by pulling those teeth over with connected rubber bands.  Still no brackets on the 4th tooth on each side yet.  The main front gap has just about closed as the other gaps have continued to get bigger along the way.

Again, sorry for the delay but these promising pics should make up for it.



  1. Looking like it is all coming together nicely.

  2. Yea the progress is exciting. I just can't wait till my teeth are perfect.
