Sunday, April 19, 2015

From Start to Finish

There's nothing really new to report.  Still wearing my retainers full time and will be doing so until July.  After that, I'll only have to wear them while I sleep.  Here are a couple groups of pictures I put together.  The one shows the progress from the front view and the other is the view of the roof of my mouth from start to finish.  Enjoy!

Front View - Top two pictures are from before surgery.  The next three pictures are during the expansion process and the final picture is from when my braces came off.

Roof View - The top two pictures are from before surgery.  Notice the expander in the middle two pictures getting wider.  The bottom left picture shows the full expansion and the last picture is after my braces came off.

1 comment:

  1. Hey nice results can you please show full face before and after?
    Thanks you very much!
