Thursday, August 21, 2014

Something's Missing

[ (August 21st, 2014) (1 year and 6 months post surgery, 1 year and 5 months post braces) ]

It's been over a year and a half since the SARPE surgery took place and finally the roof of my mouth is free.  They took the device out a few months back and I couldn't be happier. The area was tender at first, but it was a whole lot better than having food constantly stuck up there.

The orthodontist was worried that I would need additional surgery to pull my lower jaw in.  Every six weeks the orthodontist gave me new bands to position differently on my teeth to try to pull my jaw into place and to everyone's surprise, it worked.  It looks like I won't need another surgery!  For the most part my teeth are aligned and there are only a few gaps which are very small.  Hopefully I can get these braces off soon!

This is the positioning of the bands now.  They are hooked to the 4th and 5th tooth on the top and bottom row on both sides.  I only have to wear them when I'm sleeping now instead of all day.

You can see that the top row of teeth are fitting over the bottom row nicely and that most gaps are closed or are minimal.

No more SARPE device, I'm free!

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