Monday, March 11, 2013

The Turning Continues

[ (March 11, 2013)  (26 days post surgery, 21 days expanding the palate) ]

I saw the orthodontist again last Thursday.  Before my appointment on Thursday, last time they told me to do ten more turns before coming back.  Ten turns (one in the morning and one at night) would have had me stop turning last Wednesday morning.  After seeing that my top jaw wasn't over far enough after ten turns, I continued to turn (even though I wasn't supposed to) as I had been doing twice a day and did twelve turns.  As expected, my top jaw still wasn't wide enough, so on Thursday they told me to do six more turns and come back today.  Six more turns would've had me stop turning Sunday morning.  Just like last time, it still wasn't quite wide enough so I just kept turning as scheduled before and did seven turns.  My top jaw is still not wide enough.  I'm supposed to do one turn a day for the next two weeks, fourteen more turns!  The good news is that they put the braces on my top row of teeth.

Now for some pics!

(3/3) Twenty nine turns.

(3/4) Thirty one turns.

(3/5)  Thirty three turns.

(3/6)  Thirty five turns.

(3/7)  Thirty seven turns.

(3/8)  Thirty nine turns.

(3/9)   Forty one turns.

(3/10)  Forty three turns.

(3/11)  Forty four turns.

Check out my sweet clear braces.

Here are some progression shots I put together:

Palate expansion progression.  (Before, 9 turns, 33 turns)

Bite progression.  (Before, 23 turns, 33 turns)

Smile progression.  (Before, 23 turns, 43 turns)

More updates to come!!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Hockey Smile

[ (March 3, 2013) (18 days post surgery, 13 days expanding the palate) ]

I saw the oral surgeon on Thursday.  He said everything was looking good.  On Friday, the orthodontist said to do ten more turns and they'll determine if my palate has been expanded enough.  That potentially puts the final turn on Wednesday morning and the turn count would end at 34 turns.

I'm finding it easier to eat things besides foods that are really crunchy like cereal and hard pretzles.  I have a better range of motion with my lips and it doesn't hurt to smile anymore.  All the sutures have pretty much desolved besides a couple where my wisdom teeth were.  Check out my sweet hockey smile!

(2/24) Fifteen turns.

(2/25)  Seventeen turns.

My fake wax tooth!

(2/26)  Nineteen turns.
 (2/27)  Twenty one turns.
 (2/28)  Twnety three turns.

(3/1)  Twenty five turns.

(3/2)  Twenty seven turns.  (You can see the gums next to my front teeth are sore from stretching.)

That is all for now.