Saturday, December 20, 2014

Early Christmas Present!!

[ (December 20th, 2014) (1 year and 10 months post surgery, 1 year and 9 months post braces) ]

Since the last time I posted 4 months ago, there have only been a few changes.  My teeth were pretty much straight, but there were some "black triangles" that they wanted to work on.  Since my gums have receded a bit, there were small triangle shaped spaces between some of my teeth.  Every 3 weeks, I would have an appointment and they would file in between my teeth at the bottoms so the spaces would disappear at the top.

Saw the orthodontist 2 days ago and received awesome news!  At my next appointment on January 9th, they are going to remove my braces a month short of the original 2 year projection.  The next post you'll see from me will be braces free!

Goodbye black triangles (top photo from August, bottom photo from today)