Sunday, April 13, 2014

Over a Year in Now

[ (April 13th, 2014) (1 year and 2 months post surgery, 1 year and 1 month post braces) ]

It's been almost a half a year since my last post and nothing much has really changed since then.  I still see the orthodontist every six weeks.  They usually give me stronger wires every time I go in and they'll tie teeth together differently to close all the gaps.  The only difference is, now that my top row of teeth are becoming straighter, I'm starting to develop an underbite.  From the beginning of this process, they told me that an underbite would be a possibility and that I may need a second surgery to pull my bottom jaw back.  To try to avoid that surgery, they have me connecting bands from my top row of teeth to my bottom row of teeth.  Hopefully that works out so I don't have to go under the knife again.

Here you can kind of see the underbite, my top front two teeth are tucked behind the bottom teeth.  The little triangle gap between those teeth is slowly going away too.

Here's the view with the bands in.